Camping Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers

By  King Hofer

Calling all outdoor enthusiasts and happy campers! Welcome to the ultimate Camping Trivia Quiz, where we’ll put your knowledge of the great outdoors to the test. 

Get ready to roast marshmallows of knowledge, pitch tents of trivia, and explore the wilderness of fun facts. 

Whether you’re a seasoned camper or dreaming of your next adventure under the stars, our camping questions and answers are sure to ignite your passion for all things camping.

From camping gear essentials to historical tidbits, we’ll cover it all in this exciting journey through the world of outdoor adventure. 

As with our camping quizzes, there are five rounds, each with five questions, for a total of 25 points.

You’ll find the answers to the questions at the bottom of this guide, plus some fun campfire trivia in between- feel free to use it to build your own and share with your friends!

The instructions on how to play this quiz are at the end.

Spice up your camping activities with our list of camping questions, campfire questions, and rapid-fire one-word questions.

Free Camping Trivia Quiz Questions

Camping General Knowledge Quiz Questions Round

Think you know everything there is to know about camping?

 From camping gear to other basic facts, put your outdoors wisdom to the test with this round of general knowledge questions.

1.  Which of the following is not a principle of “Leave No Trace Camping”?

2.  Which tent design is characterized by a single ridge with two sloping panels for roof cover?

Dome tent

Multi-room tent

Geodesic tent

A-Frame tent

3.  What is the word used to describe the action of assembling a tent?





4.  Which of the following is not a typical part of a tent assembly kit?




Rain Fly

5.  What is the term for small flammable objects used to start a fire?





Camping History Quiz Questions

Take a step back in time and explore the rich history of camping. 

From the first pioneers to embrace the great outdoors to the evolution of camping equipment, this round will transport you through the ages and shed light on the roots of camping culture.

Camping History Quiz Questions

Take a step back in time and explore the rich history of camping. 

From the first pioneers to embrace the great outdoors to the evolution of camping equipment, this round will transport you through the ages and shed light on the roots of camping culture.

1.  Which camping organization was the first known established organization of its kind in the world?

The Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland

Good Samaritans


The Camping Guild of Australia

2.  Which president helped found the National Park System in the US?

Franklin Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

Gerald Ford

Abraham Lincoln

3.  In what year was the first tent thought to be invented?

20.000 BCE

200 BCE

40,000 BCE

15 BCE

4.  In what year was the first RV debuted to consumers?





You may also like our list of road trip games for couples.

5.  Which national park was the first to be created in 1872?

Yellowstone National Park

Yosemite National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Test your history knowledge with our 60s70s80s90s, or 2000s trivia questions and answers.

Camping Safety Quiz Questions

Safety first, campers! 

Brush up on your wildlife awareness, emergency preparedness, and other practices in this round of our fun camping questions.

Camping Safety Quiz Questions

Safety first, campers! 

Brush up on your wildlife awareness, emergency preparedness, and other practices in this round of our fun camping questions.

1.  How many leaves are on a Poison Ivy plant, the most common poisonous plant found in American campsites?





2.  Which of the following should you do to protect your campsite from a bear attack?

Hang your food supply high in a tree

Only cook on an open flame to scare the Bear

Leave your food supply close to where you are sleeping so you can hear a bear coming

Put extra food around your campsite so the bear can eat that without attacking you

3.  Which of the following is suggested when choosing a safe campsite?

At least 100 yards from a water source

Flat and even surface

Under dense tree cover

Near animal trails

4.  Which of the following is NOT advised when camping in an area with a high bear population?

Keep all items with a heavy scent stored high and away from your campground

Sleep far away from food sources like running rivers

Cook all food 100 yards downwind from where you plan to sleep

Sleep near dense vegetation

5.  What is the recommended maximum size of a campfire to prevent the spread of wildfires?

3 ft high and 4 ft in diameter

2 ft high and 3 ft in diameter

5 ft high and 5 ft in diameter

3 ft high and 3 ft in diameter 

Camping World Records Quiz Questions

Prepare to be amazed by extraordinary camping feats! 

From the biggest s’more to the fastest tent setups, this round will test your knowledge on incredible camping world records.

Camping World Records Quiz Questions

Prepare to be amazed by extraordinary camping feats! 

From the biggest s’more to the fastest tent setups, this round will test your knowledge on incredible camping world records.

1.  Duoduo Wang and Lester Liu hold the record for the fastest campsite setup- how long did it take them to set up their campsite?

95.5 seconds

120.65 seconds

74.48 seconds

30.48 seconds

2.  How big is the world record holding S’more?

200 lbs

150 lbs

430 lbs

342 lbs

3.  Max Wooley holds the record for most funds raised while camping- how long did he stay in a tent while raising the money?

3 months

1 year

2 years

3 years

4.  The record for the longest line of inhabited tents was set in China in 2022- how many tents were included?





5.  Which state holds the record for the highest altitude campsites in the US?





Camping Geography Quiz Questions

Time to put your geography skills to the test as we explore camping destinations around the globe! 

From iconic national parks to remote wilderness areas, this round will challenge your expertise on how well you know these locations.

Camping Geography Quiz Questions

Time to put your geography skills to the test as we explore camping destinations around the globe! 

From iconic national parks to remote wilderness areas, this round will challenge your expertise on how well you know these locations.

1.  How many camping units are offered in the United States national parks?





2.  What is the most expensive campsite in the world?

Oceanview Park

The Clayoquot Wilderness Resort

Yellowstone National Park

Pirates Bay Resort Park

3.  What is the longest hiking trail in the world?

The Great Trail

American Discovery Trail

The Grand Italian Trail

Hokkaido Nature Trail

4.  Which national park offers camping in the Alaskan wilderness?

Yosemite National Park

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Acadia National Park

Glacier National Park

5.  Which national park offers camping in the state of Virginia?

Yosemite National Park

Olympic National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Biscayne National Park

You may also like our 50 States Quiz along with our other geography quizzes.

How did you do?

Check out the answers to our camping trivia questions below.

Camping Trivia Answers

You can find the correct answers to this quiz highlighted in bold plus some fun camping facts sprinkled in between.

Camping General Knowledge Quiz Answers

1.  Which of the following is not a principle of “Leave No Trace Camping”?

Travel and camp on durable surfaces

Leave what you find

Make your mark

Respect the wildlife

Camping Trivia Answers

You can find the correct answers to this quiz highlighted in bold plus some fun camping facts sprinkled in between.

Camping General Knowledge Quiz Answers

1.  Which of the following is not a principle of “Leave No Trace Camping”?

Make your mark

2.  Which tent design is characterized by a single ridge with two sloping panels for roof cover?

Dome tent

Multi-room tent

Geodesic tent

A-Frame tent

3.  What is the word used to describe the action of assembling a tent?





4.  Which of the following is not a typical part of a tent assembly kit?




Rain Fly

5.  What is the term for small flammable objects used to start a fire?





Camping History Quiz Answers

Camping History Quiz Answers

1.  Which camping organization was the first known established organization of its kind in the world?

The Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland

Good Samaritans


The Camping Guild of Australia

Camping Trivia: The Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland was founded in 1901.

2.  Which President helped found the National Park System in the US?

Franklin Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

Gerald Ford

Abraham Lincoln

3.  In what year was the first tent thought to be invented?

20.000 BCE

200 BCE

40,000 BCE

15 BCE

4.  In what year was the first RV debuted to consumers?





Camping Trivia: The first RV was the Pierce-Arrow’s Touring Landau which debuted in 1910 at Madison Square Garden.

You may also like our list of road trip games for couples.

5.  Which National Park was the first to be created in 1872?

Yellowstone National Park

Yosemite National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Check out our California Quiz!

You may like our 60s70s80s90s, or 2000s trivia questions and answers.

Camping Safety Quiz Answers

Camping Safety Quiz Answers

1.  How many leaves are on a Poison Ivy Plant, the most common poisonous plant found in American campsites?





2.  Which of the following should you do to protect your campsite from a bear attack?

Hang your food supply high in a tree

Only cook on an open flame to scare the Bear

Leave your food supply close to where you are sleeping so you can hear a bear coming

Put extra food around your campsite so the bear can eat that without attacking you

3.  Which of the following is suggested when choosing a safe campsite?

At least 100 yards from a water source

Flat and even surface

Under dense tree cover

Near animal trails

4.  Which of the following is NOT advised when camping in an area with a high bear population?

Keep all items with a heavy scent stored high and away from your campground

Sleep far away from food sources like running rivers

Cook all food 100 yards downwind from where you plan to sleep

Sleep near dense vegetation

5.  What is the recommended maximum size of a campfire to prevent the spread of wildfires?

3 ft high and 4 ft in diameter

2 ft high and 3 ft in diameter

5 ft high and 5 ft in diameter

3 ft high and 3 ft in diameter

Camping World Records Quiz Answers

Camping World Records Quiz Answers

1.  Duoduo Wang and Lester Liu hold the record for the fastest campsite setup- how long did it take them to set up their campsite?

95.5 seconds

120.65 seconds

74.48 seconds

30.48 seconds

2.  How big is the world record holding S’more?

200 lbs

150 lbs

430 lbs

342 lbs

3.  Max Wooley holds the record for most funds raised while camping- how long did he stay in a tent while raising the money?

3 months

1 year

2 years

3 years

4.  The record for the longest line of inhabited tents was set in China in 2022- how many tents were included?





5.  Which state holds the record for the highest altitude campsites in the US?





Camping Trivia: Colorado is home to many campsites over 8,000 feet above sea level. 

Sugar Loafin’ Campground is one of Colorado’s highest public campsites at just under 10,000 feet.  

You may also like our Colorado Trivia Quiz.

Camping Geography Quiz Answers

Camping Geography Quiz Answers

1.  How many camping units are offered in the United States national parks?





2.  What is the most expensive campsite in the World?

Oceanview Park

The Clayoquot Wilderness Resort

Yellowstone National Park

Pirates Bay Resort Park

3.  What is the longest hiking trail in the world?

The Great Trail

American Discovery Trail

The Grand Italian Trail

Hokkaido Nature Trail

Camping Trivia: The Great Trail in Canada stretches over 14,995 miles.

4.  Which national park offers camping in the Alaskan wilderness?

Yosemite National Park

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Acadia National Park

Glacier National Park

5.  Which national park offers camping in the state of Virginia?

Yosemite National Park

Olympic National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Biscayne National Park

Try next: Our 50 States Quiz along with our other geography quizzes.

Thank you for taking our fun camping trivia questions and answers. You may like our other quizzes.

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