25 Easy Christmas Quiz Questions and Answers

By  King Hofer

Get set to quiz yourself on all things festive with our Easy Christmas Quiz!

While Christmas is celebrated in various ways worldwide, its widespread popularity can be attributed to a combination of cultural, historical, and social factors. 

We’ll explore the elements that make Christmas a widely embraced occasion, touching upon its origins, basic facts, traditions, and global significance.

This quiz has five rounds with five questions in each, totaling 25 points.

Simply scroll down to the end for instructions on how to use our Christmas trivia questions and answers- feel free to use this to build your own.

You’ll also find answers to the questions at the bottom of this guide along with interesting Christmas trivia you can share with your friends- if this made your day, feel free to buy us a coffee as thanks.

For games and quizzes centered around the season, try our Christmas Trivia Quiz, Who is Most Likely to Christmas Edition, and Would You Rather Christmas Edition.

For more holiday trivia questions and answers, check out our other holiday quizzes.

Free Easy Christmas Trivia Quiz Questions

Easy Christmas General Knowledge Quiz Questions Round

Test your knowledge of all things Christmas, from important dates to popular figures.

The first round of our Christmas quiz with answers will go through the basics of the holiday season.

1. On what day is Christmas celebrated each year?

December 15th

December 24th

December 25th

December 26th

2. How many ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol?





3. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of which important figure in Christianity?


Mary Magdalen



4. Which of the following is not a nickname for Santa Claus?

Saint Nick

Kris Kringle

Papa Noel

Santa Noche

5. Which Christmas decoration prompts two people to share a kiss underneath it?

Christmas Star



Christmas Bells 

Easy Christmas History Quiz Questions Round

Take a step back in time as we explore the historical roots of Christmas in this quiz round. 

Discover the origins of familiar customs and learn about the events that have shaped our modern-day celebrations.

Easy Christmas History Quiz Questions Round

Take a step back in time as we explore the historical roots of Christmas in this quiz round. 

Discover the origins of familiar customs and learn about the events that have shaped our modern-day celebrations.

1. In what year did Coca-Cola start to use Santa Claus as a mascot in their advertisements?





2. In what country did the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree begin?





3. Which real-life saint is associated with Santa Claus?

Saint Thomas

Saint Nicholas

Saint Sebastian

Saint Mary

4. In what year did Christmas become a federally recognized holiday in the US?





5. In what year was the first recorded Christmas celebration in history?

100 AD

336 AD

1100 AD

1405 AD

You may also want to test your history knowledge with our 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, or 2000s trivia questions and answers.

Easy Christmas Food Questions Round

This round is all about the delicious dishes and treats associated with Christmas. 

From festive feasts to sweet delights, we’ll serve up questions that’ll tickle your taste buds.

Easy Christmas Food Questions Round

This round is all about the delicious dishes and treats associated with Christmas. 

From festive feasts to sweet delights, we’ll serve up questions that’ll tickle your taste buds.

1. What is the country of origin of the Christmas-time drink eggnog?





Looking to test your knowledge about places around the globe? Check out our collection of geography quizzes.

2. Hansel and Gretel serve as the inspiration behind which Christmas decorative snack?

Candy Canes

Gingerbread Houses

Christmas Cookies

Chocolate Snowman

3. What is the most popular main course served as Christmas dinner in American households?





4. What liquor is usually added to a Christmas pudding?





5. In what country is it a Christmas tradition to eat fried chicken from the fast-food restaurant KFC?





Easy Christmas Music Questions Round

Get into the groove with this musical round that features classic Christmas tunes and carols. 

Test your knowledge of holiday melodies and the artists behind them.

Easy Christmas Music Questions Round

Get into the groove with this musical round that features classic Christmas tunes and carols. 

Test your knowledge of holiday melodies and the artists behind them.

1. Which Christmas classic declares, “Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh”?

Jingle Bells

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Feliz Navidad

2. Which Christmas hit was released in 1970 by Puerto Rican artist Jose Feliciano?

Ave Maria

Feliz Navidad

Blue Christmas

Do they Know it’s Christmas?

3. What type of Christmas would Elvis have without you based on his hit Christmas song?





4. Which Christmas song is about people “dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way”?

O Christmas Tree

Jingle Bell Rock

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

The Christmas Dance

5. What Christmas classic song features a snowman called Parson Brown?

O Christmas Tree

Frosty the Snowman

Winter Wonderland

Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town

Check out our Christmas Music Trivia Quiz for more.

If you like this set of Christmas music quiz questions, try our other music quizzes.

Easy Christmas Movies Questions Round

Dive into the world of Christmas cinema as we ask questions about beloved holiday movies. 

From heartwarming classics to modern favorites, the following Christmas movie trivia questions are perfect for film fans and holiday enthusiasts alike.

Easy Christmas Movies Questions Round

Dive into the world of Christmas cinema as we ask questions about beloved holiday movies. 

From heartwarming classics to modern favorites, the following Christmas movie trivia questions are perfect for film fans and holiday enthusiasts alike.

1. Which animated Christmas movie features a woodland creature with a light-up nose?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

A Year without a Santa Claus

Frosty the Snowman

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

2. Which animated Christmas movie stars Tom Hanks on a train to the North Pole?

The Christmas Trip

Christmas with the Kranks

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

The Polar Express

3. What department store is the movie Miracle on 34th Street based on?



Boston Store

Saks Fifth Avenue

4. In the movie Home Alone where does the McAllister family go on vacation without their son Kevin?

New York




5. What happens every time a bell rings in the Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life?

An angel gets its wings

A child gets a present

Santa has returned to the North Pole

A snowman comes alive

Try our Christmas Movie Trivia Quiz and Halloween Movies Trivia Quiz and our other movie quizzes.

How did you do?

Check the answers to our Christmas quiz questions and share them with your friends!

Easy Christmas Trivia Quiz Answers

The answers to our fun Christmas trivia game are highlighted in bold along with interesting facts you may want to know about.

Easy Christmas General Knowledge Quiz Answers

Easy Christmas Trivia Quiz Answers

The answers to our fun Christmas trivia game are highlighted in bold along with interesting facts you may want to know about.

Easy Christmas General Knowledge Quiz Answers

1. On what day is Christmas celebrated each year?

December 15th

December 24th

December 25th

December 26th

2. How many ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol?





3. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of which important figure in Christianity?


Mary Magdalen



4. Which of the following is not a nickname for Santa Claus?

Saint Nick

Kris Kringle

Papa Noel

Santa Noche

5. Which Christmas decoration prompts two people to share a kiss underneath it?

Christmas Star



Christmas Bells

Easy Christmas History Quiz Answers

Easy Christmas History Quiz Answers

1. In what year did Coca-Cola start to use Santa Claus as a mascot in their advertisements?





2. In what country did the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree begin?





3. Which real-life saint is associated with Santa Claus?

Saint Thomas

Saint Nicholas

Saint Sebastian

Saint Mary

Christmas Trivia: Saint Nicholas was born in modern-day Turkey and serves as the patron saint of sailors, children, and merchants.

4. In what year did Christmas become a federally recognized holiday in the US?





Christmas Trivia: Congress signed a bill into law in June of 1870 that recognized Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving as federal holidays for all federal employees.

5. In what year was the first recorded Christmas celebration in history?

100 AD

336 AD

1100 AD

1405 AD

Christmas Trivia: The first recorded Christmas celebration took place in Rome and featured a massive feast.

You may also want to test your history knowledge with our 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, or 2000s trivia questions and answers.

Easy Christmas Food Answers

Easy Christmas Food Answers

1. What is the country of origin of the Christmas-time drink eggnog?





2. Hansel and Gretel serve as the inspiration behind which Christmas decorative snack?

Candy Canes

Gingerbread Houses

Christmas Cookies

Chocolate Snowman

3. What is the most popular main course served as Christmas dinner in American households?





Christmas Trivia: Turkey is also commonly served during Christmas dinners in Canada, France, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

Looking to test your knowledge in places around the globe? Check out our 50 States Trivia Quiz, Scotland Quiz, Scotland Facts for Kids, as well as our other geography quizzes.

You may also want to play our Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz.

4. What liquor is usually added to a Christmas pudding?





5. In what country is it a Christmas tradition to eat fried chicken from the fast-food restaurant KFC?





Christmas Trivia: The tradition started in the late 70s when the fast-food chain started a push to offer chicken to tourists and expats who could not find the traditional turkey dinner. 

Millions of Japanese people eat party buckets of chicken each year at Christmas. 

Easy Christmas Music Answers

Easy Christmas Music Answers

1. Which Christmas classic declares, “Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh”?

Jingle Bells

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Feliz Navidad

2. Which Christmas hit was released in 1970 by Puerto Rican artist Jose Feliciano?

Ave Maria

Feliz Navidad

Blue Christmas

Do they Know it’s Christmas?

3. What type of Christmas would Elvis have without you based on his hit Christmas song?





4. Which Christmas song is about people “dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way”?

O Christmas Tree

Jingle Bell Rock

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

The Christmas Dance

5. What Christmas classic song features a snowman called Parson Brown?

O Christmas Tree

Frosty the Snowman

Winter Wonderland

Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town

Christmas Trivia: Winter Wonderland was originally released in 1934 by Felix Bernard.

It has since been covered by Christmas crooners including Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, and Michael Buble.

Check out our Christmas Music Trivia Quiz along with our other music quizzes as well. 

Easy Christmas Movies Answers

Easy Christmas Movies Answers

1. Which animated Christmas movie features a woodland creature with a light-up nose?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

A Year without a Santa Claus

Frosty the Snowman

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

2. Which animated Christmas movie stars Tom Hanks on a train to the North Pole?

The Christmas Trip

Christmas with the Kranks

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

The Polar Express

3. What department store is the movie Miracle on 34th Street Based on?



Boston Store

Saks Fifth Avenue

4. In the movie Home Alone where does the McAllister family go on vacation without their son Kevin?

New York




You may also like our New York Quiz.

5. What happens every time a bell rings in the Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life?

An angel gets its wings

A child gets a present

Santa has returned to the North Pole

A snowman comes alive

Try our Christmas Movie Trivia Quiz and Halloween Movies Trivia Quiz along with our other movie quizzes.

Thanks for taking our Christmas quiz questions and answers. You may like our other quizzes.

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How To Use This Quiz

Please feel free to use our quiz questions and answers to test your trivia knowledge!

There are several ways to play this quiz, such as reading through the questions and writing down your answers in notes on your phone or on paper.

You can then check your answers, which are in bold in the answers section.

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