Guess The Horror Movie Quiz From These Images

By  King Hofer

Welcome to your worst nightmare! Can you guess the following icons in our Horror Movie Picture Quiz? This bone-chilling challenge requires that you identify the full name of the scary film and the year it was released in the US.

You’ll also find a bonus mash-up at the bottom of the questions. 

You may also want to try our Horror Movies Trivia Quiz!

Name The Horror Movie Quiz Questions

Description: Image of a prom dress covered in blood with a tiara

2. Description: Image of ghost mask with mouth wide open

3. Description: Image of twigs in star shape

4. Description: Image of bunny ears

5. Description: Image of a trike

6. Description: Image of a shark with mouth open

7. Description: Image of a chainsaw

8. Description: Image of a priest with bible and beads

9. Description: Image of a clown and red balloons

10. Description: Image of a butterfly

Bonus Guess The Horror Movie Picture Round

Can you decipher which decade the following scary movies come from?