222 Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples: Clean, Funny, Cringe & Deep

Whether you’re going on a date, on a vacation, at a party, or simply hanging out at home, there’s always an opportunity to truly connect and better understand your partner.

And one of the most enjoyable ways to do that is with a good old-fashioned game of never have I ever.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of never have I ever questions for couples- this game can be played with any number of people, but ours focuses on questions to ask people in a relationship.

The game is usually played by holding your hand up and putting one finger down if you’ve done a thing in one of the statements or questions below- if not, you can say “Never have I ever” .

Or you can have a third party read them for you and answer “I have” if you’ve done that thing, or “Never have I ever” if you haven’t. 

It can also be a part of a couple’s drinking game, with those who answer “I have” take a drink.

You can get creative but whatever your take is on this never have I ever couples edition, you’re sure to discover some of the craziest truths about your partner- plus laughters along the way.

For more game ideas for couples, you can read our list of truth or drink questions and yes or no questions for couples.

Clean Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

Let’s start the game of never have I ever for couples with something light, tame, and wholesome.

This is a nice way to warm things up and learn all the simple facts about your partner you may not yet know of.

You may also like our list of clean would you rather questions

1. Never have I ever won a trophy.

2. Never have I ever played chess.

3. Never have I ever cheated at a board game.

4. Never have I ever cheated at a card game.

5. Never have I ever volunteered my time for something I find important.

6. Never have I ever attempted to learn another language.

7. Never have I ever begged for a pet. 

8. Never have I ever skipped rope.

9. Never have I ever written out a bucket list.

10. Never have I ever listened to a motivational video.

11. Never have I ever given unsolicited advice.

12. Never have I ever stood up to a bully for a stranger.

13. Never have I ever made a vision board.

14. Never have I ever taken a yoga class.

15. Never have I ever meditated.

16. Never have I ever helped to organize a community event.

17. Never have I ever gone to church as an adult.

18. Never have I ever regretted who I voted for after an election.

19. Never have I got lost while driving.

20. Never have I ever had road rage.

21. Never have I ever let you win something to make you feel better.

22. Never have I ever had surgery.

23. Never have I ever invested money in something I regret.

24. Never have I ever complained at a restaurant and sent my food back.

25. Never have I ever cried while watching a romance movie.

26. Never have I ever made a bet and won a lot of money.

27. Never have I ever written you a poem.

28. Never have I ever cried while reading a book.

29. Never have I ever mixed foods together that others find weird.

30. Never have I ever written a love letter.

31. Never have I ever hand-fed a chicken.

32. Never have I ever watched a scary movie by myself.

33. Never have I ever sung in a choir.

34. Never have I ever learned to play an instrument.

35. Never have I ever sang while taking a shower.

36. Never have I ever read a book while on the toilet.

37. Never have I ever picked my nose.

38. Never have I ever been in a school play.

39. Never have I ever been afraid of getting older.

40. Never have I ever thought of how I will die.

41. Never have I ever gone to the movies alone.

42. Never have I ever read an entire book.

43. Never have I ever listened to an audiobook.

44. Never have I ever met someone famous.

45. Never have I ever helped someone less fortunate.

46. Never have I ever peed while in the shower.

47. Never have I ever danced outside in the rain.

48. Never have I ever had heat exhaustion.

49. Never have I ever swam in an ocean. 

50. Never have I ever ran a marathon.

51. Never have I ever gone scuba diving.

52. Never have I ever been on a roller coaster.

53. Never have I ever ran out of gas before I could make it to the gas station.

54. Never have I ever gone skydiving.

55. Never have I ever had a trip to Disney World.

56. Never have I ever been on a cruise ship.

57. Never have I ever gone to a restaurant alone.

58. Never have I ever been to a drive-in.

59. Never have I ever given a stuffed animal a name.

60. Never have I ever gone white water rafting.

61. Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza all by myself.

62. Never have I ever had my teeth whitened.

63. Never have I ever gotten plastic surgery.

64. Never have I ever sat on a whoopie cushion.

65. Never have I ever picked up a hitchhiker.

66. Never have I ever been chased by a dog. 

67. Never have I ever met a cow up close.

68. Never have I ever made a snow angel.

69. Never have I ever swam in freezing cold water.

70. Never have I ever been to an island.

71. Never have I ever enjoyed a staycation instead of going somewhere for vacation.

72. Never have I ever thrown up in a cab.

73. Never have I ever been to a professional sports game.

74. Never have I ever been on an airplane.

75. Never have I ever taken a subway.

76. Never have I ever stayed in bed all day, not sick- but just because I wanted to.

77. Never have I ever got gum stuck in my hair.

78. Never have I ever been pooped on by a bird.

79. Never have I ever cut my own hair.

80. Never have I ever seen a snake.

81. Never have I ever gone camping alone.

82. Never have I ever hated a haircut. 

83. Never have I ever wanted to write a book.

84. Never have I ever been on TV.

85. Never have I ever impulsively got a pet.

86. Never have I ever been to a music festival.

87. Never have I ever ridden on a motorcycle.

88. Never have I ever been to a club.

89. Never have I ever played golf.

90. Never have I ever worn tennis shoes at the beach.

91. Never have I ever seen the ocean.

92. Never have I ever flown a kite.

93. Never have I ever kayaked. 

94. Never have I ever climbed a mountain.

95. Never have I ever thought about how amazing you are.

96. Never have I ever skipped washing for more than two days. 

97. Never have I ever worn odd shoes. 

98. Never have I ever stolen something. 

99. Never have I ever blamed a sibling for something I’ve done. 

100. Never have I ever worn faux fur or leather. 

101. Never have I ever not worn underwear.

102. Never have I ever searched for a partner’s ex online. 

103. Never have I ever googled a potential date.

104. Never have I ever avoided a family party. 

105. Never have I ever been afraid of a thunderstorm.

Happy lesbian gay couple doing kiddyback

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

Ready to hear some of the most hilarious things your partner has ever done?

Be prepared for some good laughs when you hear all the silly truths in this list of funny never have I ever questions.

For some fun date night questions for married couples, read our 101 questions for couples guide.

106. Never have I ever backed out of a dare.

107. Never have I ever walked into a lamppost.

108. Never have I ever forgotten what day it was.

109. Never have I ever hacked into someone’s WiFi account.

110. Never have I ever laughed really hard at a joke in public.

111. Never have I ever farted into a room and left without saying anything.

112. Never have I ever done the robot dance on a bar.

113. Never have I ever tried pet food to see what it tastes like.

114. Never have I ever had a loud conversation with myself.

115. Never have I ever thought you had terrible taste in music.

116. Never have I ever judged your friends.

117. Never have I ever stuck my tongue out at a baby.

118. Never have I ever done a crazy hair dye.

119. Never have I ever made someone laugh so hard they peed. 

120. Never have I ever thought someone was asking me on a date when they weren’t.

121. Never have I ever partied all night and then went to work in the morning.

122. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo… I regret.

123. Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed.

124. Never have I ever accidentally sent a friend a random video from my phone.

125. Never have I ever timed a fart to a loud noise.

126. Never have I ever lied about your bad breath.

127. Never have I ever picked my nose, rolled it, and flicked it, while in a public space.

128. Never have I ever blamed a fart on you.

129. Never have I ever eaten your snacks without you.

130. Never have I ever walked into the wrong bathroom while at a restaurant.

131. Never have I ever lied about liking your cooking.

132. Never have I ever met my real-life doppelganger.

133. Never have I ever been afraid of clowns.

134. Never have I ever broken a chair from sitting on it.

135. Never have I ever gone skiing and fell down the hill.

136. Never have I ever walked around with food stuck in my teeth all day.

137. Never have I ever let my partner walk around with food stuck in their teeth.

138. Never have I ever plucked my nose hairs.

139. Never have I ever shaved my behind.

140. Never have I ever given out the wrong phone number intentionally.

141. Never have I ever used your toothbrush.

142. Never have I ever pretended not to be home when someone was at the door.

143. Never have I ever broken something at someone else’s house and didn’t say anything.

144. Never have I ever fake cried to get out of something.

145. Never have I ever switched price tags on something at a store.

146.Never have I ever broken something at a store and put it back like nothing happened.

147. Never have I ever secretly hated a gift you gave me.

148. Never have I ever made an impression of you behind your back.

149. Never have I ever named my body parts.

150. Never have I ever eaten something really gross on a dare.

151. Never have I ever thrown up on someone.

152. Never have I ever sung the wrong lyrics of a song for years before realizing they were wrong.

153. Never have I ever gone back on my word.

154. Never have I ever thrown up on a rollercoaster.

155. Never have I ever walked around with toilet paper stuck to my shoe.

156. Never have I ever picked a wedgie in public.

157. Never have I ever clogged a public toilet.

158. Never have I ever eaten so much food I couldn’t button up my pants.

159. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.

Couple on sofa laughing at laptop.

Cringe Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

The following set of cringe and freaky never have I ever questions for couples are sure to relive all the bizarre, embarrassing, and awkward experiences your partner had in the past.

This is a good way to learn about how each one of you dealt with something you may never want to do or go through ever again.

Planning a driving getaway soon? You may find our list of road trip games for couples helpful. 

160. Never have I ever been kicked out of somewhere.

161. Never have I ever pretended to be interested in something I wasn’t to impress you.

162. Never have I ever cooked for someone and then accidentally given them food poisoning.

163. Never have I ever wished you didn’t ____ (fill in an annoying habit).

164. Never have I ever pretended that I didn’t hear you.

165. Never have I ever broken the law.

166. Never have I ever said I was on my way when I hadn’t even left my house.

167. Never have I ever laughed at someone else’s misfortune.

168. Never have I ever wanted to buy matching outfits to wear with you.

169. Never have I ever lied to you about where I was.

170. Never have I ever wanted to wear your underwear.

171. Never have I ever been speed dating.

172. Never have I ever been hit on by someone senior at work.

173. Never have I ever accidentally eaten something raw that should have been cooked.

174. Never have I ever chewed the same piece of gum for an entire day.

175. Never have I ever been caught by my ex checking out other people.

176. Never have I ever bought you a gift and then never gave it to you.

177. Never have I ever lied about the jewelry I gave you being real.

178. Never have I ever pretended to have an emergency to end a conversation.

179. Never have I ever faked being sick to get out of doing something.

180. Never have I ever sent a text message to someone and immediately regretted it.

181. Never have I ever been in a fist fight.

182. Never have I ever cried in a public place.

183. Never have I ever eavesdropped on the neighbors.

184. Never have I ever eaten food after it has fallen on the floor.

185. Never have I ever cut in front of someone in line.

186. Never have I ever cried at a bar or party.

187. Never have I ever walked in on someone using the bathroom.

188. Never have I ever forgotten your mother’s birthday.

189. Never have I ever had a crush on a boss.

190. Never have I ever done a Google search on myself.

191. Never have I ever locked keys in the car.

192. Never have I ever sang karaoke with a hoarse voice.

193. Never have I ever chewed someone else’s gum.

194. Never have I ever regretted a gift.

195. Never have I ever flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket.

196. Never have I ever used a fake ID.

197. Never have I ever been arrested.

198. Never have I ever bought something very expensive and didn’t tell you.

199. Never have I ever searched for an ex on social media.

200. Never have I ever pretended to be asleep to avoid having a hard conversation.

201. Never have I ever said something mean about you to a friend or family member.

202. Never have I ever lied to your parents.

203. Never have I ever shaved my feet.

204. Never have I ever rage quit a job.

205. Never have I ever seen something paranormal that I can’t explain.

Man's hand holding a phone

Deep Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples

Communication is believed to be one of the keys to a healthy relationship, but sometimes it can be difficult to keep the conversation flowing.

Whether you’re looking to have meaningful discussions with someone you love or just something to spark some thought-provoking talks, our list of deep never have I ever questions can help you get started.

This also works as a set of never have I ever questions for married couples.

206. Never have I ever flirted with someone while in a relationship.

207. Never have I ever been embarrassed by you.

208. Never have I ever called you by an ex’s name.

209. Never have I ever told my friends details of our relationship.

210. Never have I ever posted a picture online to make you jealous.

211. Never have I ever dated two people at the same time.

212. Never have I ever cheated on someone.

213. Never have I ever been cheated on.

214. Never have I ever said I love you to a partner but didn’t mean it.

215. Never have I ever met someone from a dating site.

216. Never have I ever thought about leaving you.

217. Never have I ever pretended to be asleep.

218. Never have I ever deleted a conversation so you wouldn’t see it.

219. Never have I ever chosen to hang out with my friends over you.

220. Never have I ever deleted my search history so you wouldn’t see it.

221. Never have I ever thought about how much I love you.

222. Never have I ever marveled at the value you add to my life.

Celebrating your anniversary soon? Try our anniversary questions for couples.

Smiling couple on a beach

Final Thoughts

That’s it for our list of couples’ never have I ever questions- we hope you enjoyed them.

Were you able to learn something fun and interesting about your partner? Feel free to share them in the comments.

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