25 New Hampshire Trivia Quiz Questions & Answers
How well do you know this state? Test your knowledge with our New Hampshire Trivia Quiz!
New Hampshire is a lovely New England destination known for its mountains, maple syrup, and shortest ocean coastline but there is more to this east coast state so we’ve created quiz questions on general knowledge, geography, history, culture and landmarks.
You’ll find New Hampshire questions and answers at the bottom of this guide. Feel free to use our quiz to build your own.
Note: As with all of our geography quizzes, there are five rounds, each with five questions, making this quiz out of 25 points.
We’ve also included fun New Hampshire trivia so you can impress your friends with new facts.
If you’re not sure how to use this quiz, scroll to the bottom for instructions first.
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Free New Hampshire Trivia Quiz Questions
New Hampshire Quiz General Knowledge Questions Round
1. What is the two letter state code for New Hampshire?
2. What is New Hampshire’s nickname?
3. What is the area code for New Hampshire?
4. What is New Hampshire’s state flower?
5. What do you call people from New Hampshire?
New Hampshire Quiz Geography Questions Round
2. What is the most populated city in New Hampshire?
3. Which location is closest to the Canadian border?
4. How many national parks does New Hampshire have?
5. Which mountain is not located in New Hampshire?
Bonus points if you can order them to be height, starting with the tallest peak!
New Hampshire Quiz History Questions Round
1. Which Indigenous people are connected to land in New Hampshire?
2. New Hampshire joined the US in 1788 but what position was it?
3. What city was the first capital city of New Hampshire?
4. What year did the Old Man of the Mountain collapse?
5. What was legalized in 2007 in New Hampshire?
New Hampshire Quiz Culture Questions Round
1. Who has not been Governor of New Hampshire?
2. Where was American singer and actress Mandy Moore born in New Hampshire?
Are you a Mandy Moore fan? If so, check out our This Is Us Quiz too!
You may also like our fun TV quizzes!
3. ‘The New Hampshire boys, Steve and Joe, They’re gonna lead on’ are lyrics from which song?
Try our challenging music quizzes which feature decades such as 60s and 70s!
4. New Hampshire’s Alan Shepard was the first American to travel into space in what year?
5. Where is the annual UFO festival held?
New Hampshire Quiz Landmark Questions Round
1. The White Mountains cover how much of the state?
2. What is the name of the popular highway drive in New Hampshire?
3. What do Bath, Cornish and Waterloo have in common?
4. What is located on the top of Ossipee Mountain?
5. What kind of bridge is the Honeymoon Bridge?
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Check the New Hampshire test answers below and share with your friends!
New Hampshire Quiz General Knowledge Answers
1. What is the two letter state code for New Hampshire?
2. What is New Hampshire’s nickname?
The Granite State
3. What is the area code for New Hampshire?
4. What is New Hampshire’s state flower?
Purple lilac
New Hampshire Trivia: The state flower in New Hampshire is Syringa vulgaris, purple lilac.
However, the other three flowers also grow in the state.
5. What do you call people from New Hampshire?
New Hampshirites
New Hampshire Quiz Geography Answers
2. What is the most populated city in New Hampshire?
3. Which location is closest to the Canadian border?
4. How many national parks does New Hampshire have?
New Hampshire Trivia: New Hampshire doesn’t have any National Parks but it does have the national historic park, Saint-Gaudens.
5. Which mountain is not located in New Hampshire?
Mansfield (4,395 ft)
Did you get the order by height correct?
New Hampshire Trivia: Washington, Monadnock and Lafayette are all located in New Hampshire.
Mansfield can be found in Vermont.
New Hampshire Quiz History Answers
1. Which Indigenous people are connected to land in New Hampshire?
2. New Hampshire joined the US in 1788 but what position was it?
3. What city was the first capital city of New Hampshire?
New Hampshire Trivia: Concord is the current capital of New Hampshire, Portsmouth was the very first.
4. What year did the Old Man of the Mountain collapse?
5. What was legalized in 2007 in New Hampshire?
No smoking in public places
New Hampshire Quiz Culture Answers
1. Who has not been Governor of New Hampshire?
Michael Sununu
2. Where was American singer and actress Mandy Moore born in New Hampshire?
Are you a Mandy Moore fan? If so, check out our This Is Us Quiz too!
You may also like our fun TV quizzes!
3. ‘The New Hampshire boys, Steve and Joe, They’re gonna lead on’ are lyrics from which song?
New Hampshire by Sonic Youth
Whoah, that was a difficult question to put together.
Try our challenging music quizzes which feature decades such as 60s and 70s!
4. New Hampshire’s Alan Shepard was the first American to travel into space in what year?
New Hampshire Trivia: Shepard became the first American in space during a suborbital flight aboard his Mercury capsule named Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961.
5. Where is the annual UFO festival held?
New Hampshire Quiz Landmark Answers
1. The White Mountains cover how much of the state?
A quarter
New Hampshire Trivia: The White Mountains cover nearly a quarter of New Hampshire and this is where many of the popular tourist towns such as North Conway, Lincoln and Littleton are located.
2. What is the name of the popular highway drive in New Hampshire?
3. What do Bath, Cornish and Waterloo have in common?
Covered bridges
4. What is located on the top of Ossipee Mountain?
Castle in the Clouds
5. What kind of bridge is the Honeymoon Bridge?
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How To Use This Quiz
Please feel free to use our quiz questions and answers to test your trivia knowledge!
There are several ways to play this quiz, such as reading through the questions and writing down your answers in notes on your phone or on paper.
You can then check your answers, which are in bold in the answers section.
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