22 Free Road Trip Games for Couples
From my experience driving around New England, I’ve put together this helpful list of road trip games for couples so that you can keep the ride entertaining!
If you’re planning to spend time in the wild, see also GTQ’s camping questions.
1. Would You Rather
There’s never a dull moment when you play the Would You Rather Game.
Just ask your companion:
You can even tailor your questions to the place you’re traveling through—like, “Would you rather visit Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon?”
Explain your answer, and allow the other person time to do the same.
If they don’t understand your choice, ask why not!
You may be surprised by what they come up with.
This is one of the best road trip games for adults, as you can make the options risqué if you like!
Here’s a list of clean would you rather questions.

2. 21 Questions
21 Questions is one of those classic that anyone can play.
You start with 21 questions (hence the name), and you get to ask your partner anything you want.
It can be any or no topic at all — as long as it’s not offensive.
The goal is to learn more about your partner and get them talking about themselves by asking questions like “What’s your favorite movie?” or “If you could eat whatever you wanted for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
To make it more interesting, try asking only yes or no questions.
Asking a question with two parts will usually result in an answer that’s not what you expected.
Questions should be asked one at a time; this prevents your partner from overthinking how their answers will affect future questions.
If you need a list of questions, here are 101 questions for couples, or you may also use our list of married couple questions.
You can also adapt this game to be about other people or things.
3. Who Am I?
Who Am I can be played with two people and doesn’t require any props.
It is like Heads Up but doesn’t need Post-it notes stuck to heads or an app.
Player one thinks of a well-known figure.
Player two asks a set number of yes or no questions to try to determine who the person is.
For example, Ryan Renolds.
“Is the person male?” Yes.
“Alive?” Yes.
“Actor?” Yes?
“TV or movies?” – not a yes or no question, deduct a point!
4. 21 Questions x Who Am I?
Player one thinks of a person; then, player two asks 21 questions to try and guess the person.
Player one only answers yes or no.
Like Who Am I but with a 21-question cap.

5. The Story Game
The Story Game is great for getting to know your partner and their imagination!
One person starts with a sentence, and then the other person builds on it.
You keep building on each other’s sentences until you get to the end of the story.
The more creative you can be, the better!
Here’s an example:
Partner one: There once was a girl.
Partner two: She lived in a small cottage in the woods surrounded by trees.
Partner one: One day, she was walking through the forest when an eagle appeared out of nowhere and picked her up by her hair.
Partner two: The eagle carried her to his nest, where he had three little eaglets hungry for breakfast. He offered her as a sacrifice to his little ones.
Partner one: Not wanting to be eaten, she bravely looked at the eaglets, found one who looked like him, and said, “You look just like your daddy!” The eaglets paused, then their appetites faded as they began looking for their mirror image. They climbed all over the eagle’s body like monkeys trying to find their own.
IDK where my mind went there!

6. The Actor Game
The Actor Game is a great way to spend time and have fun with your partner.
One of you picks an actor and describes them as best as you can for one minute (or more if you want).
Then, switch roles and guess who was being described when the time is up.
The description needs to be funny, giving hints like how the actor looks or the movies they starred in.
The game continues until someone guesses correctly. It’s simple but fun!

7. Would I Lie To You
The rules are simple: take turns asking a question, and the other person needs to determine if that question is true or a lie.
The person not asking the question is allowed to ask questions before determining whether the question is true or false.
If you’re right, you get a point; if you’re wrong, your partner gets a point.
The first person to reach 10 points wins!
The questions should be fun, lighthearted, and easy to answer.
It’s essential that they not be too serious or controversial because this game is meant to bring couples together through laughter and good times (not arguments).
Some examples of good statements include:

8. I Spy (Alphabetical/Color)
Many couples have a tradition of playing “I Spy” on road trips.
This classic game can be played traditionally or with a twist.
You can try it as an alphabetical game, where you look for something that begins with each letter of the alphabet, or as a color game, where you look for something in each color of the rainbow.

9. Degrees of Separation
The Degrees of Separation is an excellent way for you and your partner to learn more about each other and the people around you.
This game is simple: You have to guess the number of degrees of separation between yourself and another person.
For example, if you’re trying to guess how many degrees of separation there are between yourself and President Barack Obama, you would ask questions like “How does he know my friend Jim?” or “How does he know my mother’s second cousin’s husband?”
It can be fun to ask one another these questions throughout the trip as you travel from place to place and meet new people!

10. Related Words (The Wordsmith)
This word game is easy to play on a road trip.
One player thinks of a word like “cat.”
Then, the other players have to list as many words as they can think of related to “cat,” like “kitten,” “purr,” and “meow.”
Then, one player thinks of another word, and the first player has to list as many words as possible related to both the new and last words.
For example, player one chooses the word “ball.”
Player two says a related word, such as “play,” “game,” or “kick.”
Then, player two chooses another word, like “dog.”
Then, player one has to consider how “dog” relates to both ball and play.
The answer could be anything from hot dogs at a baseball game to baseball cards with pictures of cute puppies; it’s up to the players’ creativity!
The goal is for everyone to have fun and challenge themselves by staying focused on how the words relate.

11. I’m Going On a Holiday Game
The first player thinks of an item they would pack in their suitcase.
One person says, “I’m going on a holiday, and I am taking my dog, Henry, with me.”
The traditional game builds on the items, so player two might say, “I’m going on a holiday and taking my dog, Henry, and my shades with me.”
The game keeps going until one player forgets the chain of items.
There is also another version of the game.
The first person names the item.
The next person has two options: take and replace that item with something else.
Then, it’s back to the first person for their turn.
The game continues in that fashion until someone gets stuck trying to think of what item to pack next.
For instance:
First, one person starts by saying: I’m going on a vacation, and I’m taking with me _____ (for example, apples or toothpaste).
The other person has to say what they would take on their imaginary vacation, but whatever the first player took, they must leave behind.
For example, if the first player said “apples,” the second player might say: “I’m going on a holiday, and I’m taking my toothpaste.”
The next person (goes back and forth with just two people) repeats both items but leaves one behind and adds something else.
For example: “I’m going on a holiday, and I’m taking apples and toothpaste with me.”
The other player must say what they are leaving behind and what they are adding to their list: “I’m going on a holiday, and I’m taking toothpaste and books with me.”
The harder version is a memory game and a test for active listening!

12. Two Truths and a Lie
This game aims to get your partner to guess which two statements are true and which one is false.
You’ll need two truths, one lie, and a pen and paper.
If you are driving, the passenger can write.
Then, write down three statements about yourself or the other person.
One of their statements will be a lie, but they don’t know which one it is!
For example, I have been on TV twice (true).
I have never been outside my state (true).
I have had braces (false).
Now, ask your partner which statements are true and which are false.
You can play this game from memory if you don’t have paper and a pen.
Playing this parked up in the RV? Check out our Truth or Drink Questions for Couples too.

13. Busta Rhyme
Busta Rhyme is an entertaining game that couples can play.
And it is a great way to pass the time while driving.
One person starts by saying a word, and then the next person has to come up with a word that rhymes with the original word, and so on.
It is enjoyable to see how creative everyone gets.
Everyone in the car can play this game, and whoever runs out of words first loses!

14. Ten Questions
This game is simple yet effective in helping you understand each other better.
You can play this game anytime during your road trip, whether you’re hanging out in the car or at night before going to sleep—the possibilities are endless!
Start by asking your partner ten questions about anything: their future goals, what they would do if they won the lottery, what kind of childhood they had, etc.
Anything goes!
Your partner will ask you ten questions in return, and they will answer your questions.
15. Decipher License Plates
Ah, the good old license plate game we all played as kids.
It’s time for an adult version of this classic game.
The rules are simple: You and your partner must be able to decipher the letters on the license plates of cars driving in front of you.
If you can’t figure out what it says, then you lose!
To make it more fun, limit the time each person has to read the license plate.
Remember, there’s no cheating in this game!

16. Compliment in Alphabetical Order
This game is simple but takes a bit of thought.
One person starts by saying something you like about the other person, beginning with the letter “A.”
Then switch turns and go again until you’ve complimented each other on every alphabet letter!

17. Alliteration Nation
Player one says a well-known name like Whitney Houston.
Player two then says the name of someone beginning with the second name, so in this example, ‘h’ is like Hunter Schafer.
If playing in a group, the order reverses when a player says a name that uses alliteration, which means the same letter for both first and second names, such as Charles Chaplin.
Since you can’t do this playing in a pair, you can skip a turn instead.
If player one uses alliteration, player two has to say two names in a row.
Are you a Hunter fan? Check out our Euphoria Quiz next if you want to!
18. Kiss, Marry, Avoid
Kiss Marry Avoid is a classic!
If you’re not familiar with the game, it’s relatively simple.
One player thinks of three celebrities and asks their partner to choose which one they would kiss, marry, and avoid.
You can adapt these fun car games for couples by throwing in a theme, such as kissing, marrying, avoiding Bridgerton or Marvel characters, or controversial… people you know!
Kiss Marry Avoid is a superb game when driving long distances because it doesn’t require any props or extra people—and it’s also perfect for some friendly competition!

19. Naming Game
Each player starts with a category (like “food”) and takes turns naming items in that category.
You can go alphabetically or take turns adding one item per person.
It’s simple but fun, and it will help you pass the time on the next long drive.
You might need to pull over for snacks, though!

20. This or That?
This or That is an enjoyable game to play on road trips.
You ask each other questions like:
It can also get ridiculous, like:
These are just some examples of road trip games for couples’ questions, but they are really easy to create on the spot.
The person who answers first has to be confident in their decision and defend it.
You can also flip this game around and guess which answer your partner would choose.
Like the sound of this road trip game?
Here’s our list of 152 this or that questions for adults.

21. Hey, Mr. DJ!
Now, it’s time to turn up the tunes.
Throw in a theme, and each player has to decide which tune is the best song for the theme.
For example, the theme could be California, and players could line up California Girls by The Beach Boys or California Gurls by Katy Perry on Spotify or Apple Music.
If others are in the car, they could decide the winner, or you could just vibe off which song is the gracious winner!
If you like Cali, we have a California Trivia Quiz you might want to do too.

22. What Song Next?
Player one starts with a line from a song, and player two takes the last word in the line and says (or sings!) a new line from a new song.
Kind of like a Pitch Perfect rap battle.
For example, “I wanna know what love is” by Foreigner… “Is this love that I’m feeling?” by Whitesnake… “Feeling goooood” by Nina Simone… “Goodbye my friend, I know you’re gone, you said you’re gone” Spice Girls…

That concludes our guide to fun car games for couples. Did you learn anything new?
We hope we’ve inspired games to help you pass the time.
Did we miss your fave? Tell us in the comments!
Is there a themed quiz you’d like us to make? Tell us in the comments or contact us.