186 Second Date Questions: Quick, Easy, Fun & Deep

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Going on a second date can be both thrilling and daunting at the same time. 

You’ve made it past the initial awkwardness of the first date, but you still want to make a good impression and get to know your special someone better.

That’s where our list of second date questions comes in handy! 

Instead of struggling to come up with interesting things to talk about, simply use these conversation starters to spark enjoyable and more meaningful discussions.

From asking your date about their passions and goals to sharing funny stories and debating hypothetical situations- with these fun and engaging questions, you’ll never run out of things to say.

You may also like our set of date night questions and funny first date questions.

Quick Second Date Questions

Skip the small talk and dive right into the good stuff with these quick second date night questions. 

Get ready to learn more about your date’s favorite food, hobbies, and movies, and discover new things you have in common. 

1. Do you like sushi?

2. Do you like kids?

3. Have you seen an elephant in real life?

4. Are you afraid of heights?

5. Do you like to dance?

6. Is family important to you?

7. Do you post a lot on social media?

8. Do you get up early in the morning?

9. Do you play video games?

10. Have you seen a Broadway show?

11. Are you an outdoor kind of person?

12. Do you like surprises?

13. Are you a generally calm person?

14. Have you broken a bone before?

15. Do you like to snuggle while watching a movie?

16. Want to watch a movie?

17. Do you have any pets?

18. Are you a generally happy person?

19. Do you enjoy reading?

20. Do you like going to concerts?

21. Do you like the beach?

22. Do you like to bake?

23. Do you enjoy camping?

24. Are you a good driver?

25. Do you enjoy spicy food? 

26. Do you like going on adventures?

27. Would you go bungee jumping?

28. Would you go snowboarding?

29. Have you been ice skating recently?

Low section of couple in skates ice skating on rink.

Clean Second Date Questions

Say goodbye to awkward silences and hello to wholesome talks on your second date that will leave you grinning from ear to ear! 

These conversation starters are designed to bring out the best in you and your special someone, and create a comfortable atmosphere where you can both be yourselves.

30. Do you like to take a shower in the morning or the evening?

31. Do you have any hobbies?

32. Where was your last vacation?

33. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

34. What does your perfect morning look like?

35. Do you like your job?

36. What is something you are hoping to try in the future?

37. What do you like to do with your free time?

38. How many years have you lived in this town, and what keeps you here?

39. What does a weekend look like for you?

40. What time do you go to bed at night?

41. Do you like to watch documentaries?

42. Do you like to play board games?

43. Have you ever been star-struck?

44. Do you wash your bed sheets regularly?

45. What is something you value the most in another person?

46. What is a household chore that you dread doing?

47. What is something that makes you feel unstoppable?

48. Do you think you are a courageous person?

49. Do you have any bad habits?

50. Have your friends given you any nicknames?

51. Do you speak kindly to yourself?

52. What is your favorite food?

53. What is your favorite dessert?

54. Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday?

55. Have you read any books that changed your perspective on life?

56. How old were you when you first drove a car?

57. Do you think you are a generally positive person?

59. Would you eat something really gross for a large sum of money?

60. What time do you like to get out of bed in the morning?

61. Have you watched any good movies lately?

Check out our list of romantic questions for couples

Big screen with audience.

Funny Second Date Questions

Get ready to tickle your date’s funny bone with these hilarious questions that are sure to keep the good times rolling. 

Whether you’re looking for a way to break the ice or just want to keep things light and fun, these conversation starters are perfect for a second date that’s anything but boring.

62. Do you still watch cartoons?

63. Have you binge-watched any tv shows recently?

64. Have you tried to touch your nose with your tongue?

65. Do you play truth or dare?

66. Have you called someone you were on a date with by the wrong name?

67. What would you take if you had to evacuate your home and could only grab three things?

68. What is something useless in your house that you love?

69. Do you have a product that you dislike for no real reason?

70. If you could be a fly on the wall, what wall would you land on?

71. Have you made up a word and used it in a sentence before?

72. If you could make a new law, what would it be, and what would the punishment be for breaking it?

73. Do you like any weird food combinations?

74. Is there a movie that makes you laugh every time you see it?

75. What would be the worst buy-one-get-one-free deal?

76. Do you sing in the shower?

77. What is the worst fashion choice you have ever made?

78.  Have you cut your own hair before?

79. Do you take tests online, if yes, what was the funniest one you have taken?

80. Do you have a robot vacuum?

81. Do you move around when you sleep, or do you stay in the same position for the entire night?

82. What is your favorite flavor of bubble gum?

83. Have you pulled an all-nighter before?

84. Do you have any strange food aversions?

85. Are you grumpy in the morning?

86. Do you get hangry?

87. Can you sing the alphabet backward?

88. Do you know the ‘’Baby Shark’’ song?

89. Is there a fashion trend that you can’t get enough of?

90. Have you gotten so drunk at a party that you passed out there?

Close up view of African-American couples clinking wine glasses with confetti at the background.

Serious Second Date Questions

It’s time to get into some more serious topics with questions to ask on a second date that will make you think.

These insightful queries will lead to some fascinating conversations and help you get to know your date on a whole new level.

91. Do you have any kids?

92. Do you have any deal breakers?

93. How do you calm down when you are angry?

94. What is something that people do that you think makes them look smart?

95. What is something you are grateful for in your life?

96. Do you think your friends would like me?

97. Do you think your parents would like me?

98. Have you ever witnessed a crime?

99. What are your long-term goals?

100. Do you see yourself settling down into a relationship?

101. What is your relationship with your parents like?

102. Why did your last relationship end?

103. Do you smoke?

104. Do you drink?

105. What are three things you don’t like in a partner?

106. If you had an extra three hours in the day, what would you spend it doing?

107. What is a big goal you want to accomplish within the year?

108. What is a significant accomplishment of yours?

109. What is something that really bothers you?

110. How do you hope people will remember you after you are gone?

111. What is something that brings joy to your day-to-day life?

112. Do you take time to take care of yourself every day?

113. What is something that will automatically make you stop trying when it comes to dating someone?

114. What are your thoughts on self-checkouts?

115. Where is somewhere you go if you want to treat yourself?

116. Have you been treated badly in past relationships?

117. What is something terrible that someone has said to you?

118. Have you had anyone close to you pass away?

119. Have you been in a car accident?

120. Have you lived with a partner before?

121. Do you want to get married one day?

122. What is a career goal that you have?

123. What is something that really irritates you?

124. Have you ever been addicted to anything?

125. Have you been married?

126. Have you proposed to anyone before?

127. What was your longest relationship?

128. Do you like to joke around, or are you a more serious person?

129. Do you tend to laugh in awkward situations?

130. What is the most genuine compliment you have received?

Diverse gay couple cooking in the kitchen.

Second Date Questions to Ask a Man

Let’s be real, sometimes it can be hard to know what to ask a guy on a date.

You want to make a connection, but you don’t want to come off too strong- that’s why we’ve got you covered with these awesome and unique questions that are sure to spark some interesting conversation.

131. Do you consider yourself to be a spiritual person?

132. Have you been in love before?

133. How do you act when you are angry?

134. Do you pick up after yourself?

135. Have you left a party before to go home and be by yourself?

136. If money wasn’t an issue, what is something over-the-top ridiculous that you would buy for yourself?

137. Have you ever daydreamed about being a superhero?

138. What movie have you seen that has had a significant impact on you?

139. Where did you grow up?

140. Have you been in any long-term relationships?

141. If you could have any type of animal for a pet, what would you choose?

142. What are your feelings about public displays of affection?

143. Do you forgive people easily?

144. Do you love a good thunderstorm?

145. If you could peek into your future, would you?

146. Do you have any irrational fears?

147. Do you have a safe space for when you feel overwhelmed?

148. Do you set new year’s resolutions?

149. How long ago was your last good cry?

150. What is a good memory from your childhood?

151. Did you go through a period of your life where you went to the bar every chance you got?

152. Do you have a happy place?

153. Do you have any hidden talents?

154. Are there any conspiracy theories that you believe in?

155. Do you have a pair of shoes you like wearing?

156. What are your favorite types of movies to watch?

157. How do you like your coffee?

158. Do you use a daily planner?

Try next: Open-ended questions to ask a guy.

Man in wheelchair in an office.

Second Date Questions to Ask a Woman

If you want to make a great impression and keep the conversation flowing, it’s important to have some interesting questions ready to go. 

So, whether you’re looking for something funny, thoughtful, or a little bit of both, we’ve got the perfect list of second date topics to ask your special lady.

159. Do you take your health seriously?

160. Is there somewhere you go when you need to be alone?

161. What is a movie that you felt resonated with you?

162. Do you consider taking time for yourself a priority?

163. How long was your longest relationship?

164. Do you enjoy alone time?

165. Where is somewhere you want to vacation?

166. Do you have a mentor?

167. What is your biggest strength?

168. Are you a tidy person?

169. Have you had your heart broken?

170. How do you solve conflicts in a relationship?

171. Do you believe people deserve second chances?

172. What is your favorite dog breed?

173. What is a big goal you have for yourself?

174. Have you yawned during a date before?

175. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

176. Do you struggle to let go of things?

177. What is your most prized possession?

178. When did you last have a good laugh?

179. What is a store you enjoy shopping in?

180. Do you dress up for Halloween?

181. Do you like to throw parties?

182. What is something that you have always wanted to try?

183. Have you swam in the ocean?

184. Do you collect anything?

185. What is on your nightstand?

186. What is your best vacation?

For added fun, you may want to pair this up with our list of yes or no and this or that questions designed for girls.

Woman looking at map on a travel.

Final Thoughts

We hope you had a blast going through our list of second date conversation topics.

If you end up using any of these questions, we’d love to hear about which one sparked the most interesting discussion for you- feel free to drop a comment and let us know!

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