The West Wing Trivia Quiz (Questions & Answers)

By  King Hofer

Happy Birthday, Mr President!

Widely regarded as one of the best TV shows to ever grace our screens, how much can you remember about the iconic series The West Wing?

This The West Wing Quiz with questions and answers will test if you know your Democrats from your Republicans, or your Bartlets from your Craigs

Test your The West Wing trivia knowledge and share the results with your friends, or better yet, host your own quiz and judge your friends’ knowledge.

You’ll find The West Wing questions and answers and the bottom of this guide. Feel free to use our quiz to build your own.

Note: As with all of our TV quizzes, there are spoilers throughout, so only play if you have watched all seasons. 

There are four rounds, each with five questions, making this quiz out of 20 points. 

We’ve also included fun The West Wing related trivia so you can learn more about the show.

If you’re not sure how to use this quiz, scroll to the bottom for instructions first.

Fun The West Wing Quiz

The West Wing General Knowledge Quiz Questions

1. In which year did The West Wing first air on American TV?

2. How many seasons are there of The West Wing?

3. Which branch of government is The West Wing set in?

4. Who created The West Wing?

5. When the show begins, what year is the Bartlet administration in?

The West Wing President Bartlet Questions

1. Known to friends as Jed, what is President Bartlet’s first name?

2. What state did President Bartlet represent as Governor before becoming President?

You may also like our NYC and New Hampshire Quiz!

3. What political party was President Bartlet a member of?

4. What college did President Bartlet attend?

5. Which actress played his wife, Dr Abigail Bartlet?

The West Wing Early Seasons Questions

1. Which world famous actor left the show after Season Four due to contract disputes?

2. The first episode features the President injuring himself doing what?

3. In Season Two, five agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency are taken hostage in which country?

4. Toby discusses the inclusion of a member of which overseas political party in the guest list of a White House event with British Ambassador Lord John Marbury?

5. In the final episode of Season Four, President Bartlet temporarily steps down from the Presidency using which amendment of the constitution?

The West Wing Later Seasons Questions

1. A world-renowned pianist is welcomed to the White House for a controversial solo performance; which country are they from?

2. In which kids’ TV show does Dr Abigail Bartlet briefly appear?

3. Where are the peace talks held between Israel and Palestine in Season Six?

4. What happens on the night that Matt Santos is elected to replace President Bartlet?

5. In the final hours of his Presidency, President Bartlet pardons Toby, but what was his crime?

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The West Wing Quiz Answers

The West Wing General Knowledge Quiz Answers

1. In which year did The West Wing first air on American TV?


2. How many seasons are there of The West Wing?


3. Which branch of government is The West Wing set in?


4. Who created The West Wing?

Aaron Sorkin

The West Wing Trivia: Aaron Sorkin is a prolific writer and creator; he’s also responsible for the smash hit movies A Few Good Men and The Social Network 

5. When the show begins, what year is the Bartlet administration in?


The West Wing President Bartlet Answers

1. Known to friends as Jed, what is President Bartlet’s first name?


The West Wing Trivia: President Josiah Bartlet is a direct descendent of the real-world signatory of the Declaration of Independence, Dr Josiah Bartlett

2. What state did President Bartlet represent as Governor before becoming President?

New Hampshire

You may also like our NYC and New Hampshire Quiz!

3. What political party was President Bartlet a member of?


4. What college did President Bartlet attend?

Notre Dame

5. Which actress played his wife, Dr Abigail Bartlet?

Stockard Channing

The West Wing Early Seasons Answers

1. Which world famous actor left the show after Season Four due to contract disputes?

Rob Lowe

2. The first episode features the President injuring himself doing what?

Riding his bike into a tree

3. In Season Two, five agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency are taken hostage in which country?


4. Toby discusses the inclusion of a member of which overseas political party in the guest list of a White House event with British Ambassador Lord John Marbury?

Sinn Féin

5. In the final episode of Season Four, President Bartlet temporarily steps down from the Presidency using which amendment of the constitution?


The West Wing Trivia: The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution has been used six times since its creation, most recently by President Biden when he underwent a routine operation

The West Wing Later Seasons Answers

1. A world-renowned pianist is welcomed to the White House for a controversial solo performance; which country are they from?

North Korea

2. In which kids’ TV show does Dr Abigail Bartlet briefly appear?

Sesame Street

3. Where are the peace talks held between Israel and Palestine in Season Six?

Camp David

4. What happens on the night that Matt Santos is elected to replace President Bartlet?

Leo dies

The West Wing Trivia: the actor who plays Leo, John Spencer, sadly passed away in 2005 whilst still filming the show.

5. In the final hours of his Presidency, President Bartlet pardons Toby, but what was his crime?

Leaking classified information

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How To Use This Quiz

Please feel free to use our The West Wing quiz questions and answers to test your trivia knowledge of the show!

There are several ways to play this quiz such as reading through the questions and writing down your answers in notes on your phone or on paper.

You can then check your answers which are in bold in the answers section.

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