72 Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Couples

Hey lovebirds! If you’re looking for a way to bond with your special someone, even from miles away, here’s my list of truth-or-dare questions to play over text for couples.

You can also combine this list with our yes or no questions.

Trust me! I’ve created over 60 conversation starters to help people connect and get to know each other better.

Clean Truth Questions Over Text for Couples

1. What is one food that you could eat every day and not get tired of?

2. If you could outsource one task from your everyday life, what would it be?

3. Do you look away during scary parts of movies?

4. Do you take a lot of selfies

5. If you had an extra $100, what would you spend it on?

6. Do you laugh at corny jokes?

7. What is something that you do as an adult that you swore as a kid you would never do?

8. Do you set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them?

9. Does the loose end of the toilet paper roll go over or under?

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?

11. Do you have any hidden talents?

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Want more questions to add to your couple truth or dare questions over text game? Check out our list of romantic questions for couples

Yellow suitcase with hat and sunglasses

Clean Dares Over Text for Couples

13. Order something for me online that you think I will love.

14. Send me a voice message of you barking like a dog.

15. Ask your best friend if you can borrow their car to drive to Disneyland.

16. Let me post on one of your social media accounts.

17. Show me a screen recording of the videos on your phone and let me choose which one you post on social media.

18. Send me a screenshot of your search history.

19. Taste your body wash and send me a rating out of ten.

20. Record yourself taking a big drink of pickle juice and send it to three people in your contact list.

21. Create a tutorial of something that you love and post it online.

22. Text your parents or siblings and tell them how much you love and appreciate them.

23. Take a picture of something that makes you laugh and send it to me.

You can also pair this up with some never have I ever questions for couples.

Person on video call.

Funny Truth Questions Over Text for Couples

25. How long have you gone without showering?

26. What is the pettiest act you have done as an adult?

27. Have you ever been caught peeing outside?

28. When was the last time you peed the bed?

29. Do you still sleep with a light on?

30. What is the first thing on your list to do if you were invisible for a day?

31. What is something in your personal space that I might be shocked to find?

32. Have you ever eaten something off the floor?

33. Would you rather have someone catch you itching your butt or picking your nose?

34. Have you gone a long time without washing your sheets?

35. What is something that most people find harmless, but you find scary?

36. If you were able to trade lives with anyone, who would you pick and why? 

Surprised man in beanie hat standing in front of yellow background.

Funny Dares Over Text for Couples

37. Make a status on your social media asking if anyone has a roll of toilet paper you can have.

38. Prank call a random number and ask to borrow $100.

39. Text a random number and ask them if they are still interested in buying your underwear.

40. Go live while hula hooping and singing “Let it go” from Frozen. Don’t have a hoop? Just pretend you do.

41. Group text six people from your contact list and tell them you have a secret to tell them.

42. Create a group chat of 10 people from your social media, name it ‘my pals’, and post a screenshot of your search history.

43. Call your grandma and ask to borrow her age defying secrets.

44. Prank call your parents and act like you don’t know who they are.

45. Send me a text message with a funny reason why you want to break up with me.

46. Change your relationship status on social media to the opposite of what you have now and leave it for the rest of the day.

47. Text me something funny that happened to you in your teenage years.

48. Leave a funny but good review for the last restaurant we ate at together.

You may also like our list of dares for couples.

Deep Truth Questions Over Text for Couples

49. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

50. How often do you take time for self-care?

51. Have I ever done anything that made you feel uncomfortable?

52. Are you in touch with your parents regularly?

53. What is something that you don’t share with most people about yourself?

54. What is something that makes you feel jealous?

55. Is there something that I do that makes you feel safe and secure in our relationship?

56. Do you compare your life to others often?

57. What is something you wish you could fix about our society?

58. What do you think is the biggest threat to humanity right now?

59. Is your life going the way you thought it would?

60. When was the last time you felt deeply connected to me?

You may also like our list of truth or drink questions for couples.

Young couple wearing sunglasses and lying down.

Deep Dares Over Text for Couples

61. Send me your favorite picture of us together that you want to keep forever.

62. Tell me a secret that you have never told anyone.

63. Send me a poem that reminds you of me.

64. Send me a movie that is similar to our relationship.

65. Buy something online that you find meaningful and send it to my house.

66. Write me a love letter and send me a voice message of you reading it.

67. Tell me something that makes you feel loved.

68. Post your favorite picture of us on social media as your profile picture.

69. Tell me something that you have done that you are embarrassed about.

70. Send me a text message using only emojis to tell me how I make you feel.

71. Send me the link to the last documentary you watched.

72. Call a random number and ask them about the best relationship advice they could give.

Happy couple having drinks together by the beach.

Final Thoughts

Did you enjoy our list of truth-or-dare questions for couples over text?

If you played this with your partner, please share your experience in the comments—we’d love to hear about it.

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