126 Would You Rather Questions for Couples

By  King Hofer

Play my “would you rather for couples” questions to present scenarios ranging from clean to deep so you can get to know your partner better on date night, over dinner, or via text.

If you want something more straightforward, consider my yes or no game, or check out my conversation starters, there are over 60!

Clean Would You Rather Questions for Couples

1. Would you rather dress comfortably or be fashionable?

2. Would you rather stay in on a Saturday night or go out?

3. Would you rather spend a lot of money on a vacation or on home renovations?

4. Would you rather work in an office or work outside?

5. Would you rather have a fantastic job in a boring city or a boring job in a fantastic city?

6. Would you rather have a housekeeper or a personal chef?

7. Would you rather never do laundry again or never have to clean the floors again?

8. Would you rather sit on a beach or stand on a mountain top?

9. Would you rather go on vacation somewhere tropical or somewhere with a lot of adventures?

10. Would you rather, for a whole year, have no access to a TV or no access to books?

11. Would you rather go on a guided tour of a foreign country or wander around and explore yourself?

12. Would you rather be a doctor or a dentist?

13. Would you rather be invisible for a whole day or be able to fly for a whole day?

14. Would you rather be constantly tired or constantly hungry?

15. Would you rather go for a nature walk or a drive through the countryside?

16. Would you rather be reincarnated as a snail or a mosquito?

17. Would you rather lose a toe or a finger in a hostage situation?

18. Would you rather lose your taste or sense of touch?

19. Would you rather sit on the beach or go skiing?

You may also like our list of clean would you rather questions for all.

Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples

20. Would you rather fart in public or have to use a port-a-potty?

21. Would you rather eat seaweed or snails?

22. Would you rather smell Durian fruit or Epoisse de Bourgogne cheese?

23. Would you rather lose all of your jewelry or all of your photos?

24. Would you rather listen to someone singing in the shower or singing while going to the bathroom?

25. Would you rather smell your partner’s socks at the end of the day or armpits after working up a sweat?

26. Would you rather be a manager and have bad employees or be one of the bad employees?

27. Would you rather not shower for a month or not brush your teeth for a week?

28. Would you rather sleepwalk at night or talk in your sleep?

29. Would you rather be strong or fast?

30. Would you rather be nerdy or athletic?

31. Would you rather always have bad breath or always have bad body odor?

32. Would you rather faint while at work in front of everyone or during your wedding vows?

33. Would you rather your partner have a small tattoo of their ex or you have a small tattoo of your ex?

34. Would you rather be with someone who chews loudly or snores?

35. Would you rather get a paper cut or an eyelash inside your eye?

36. Would you rather a pip in your teeth or booger on your nose during an interview 

37. Would you rather have an infestation of bed bugs or room full of cockroaches?

38. Would you rather go a whole year with no wi-fi or no texting?

39. Would you rather spend a day alone or with a group of people?

If you love our funny questions for would you rather relationship edition, then you’ll surely like our list of fun questions for couples.

Flirty Would You Rather Questions for Couples

40. Would you rather go out for dinner at an elaborate restaurant or stay in and eat takeout?

41. Would you rather get up early in the morning to make your partner breakfast or stay up late at night just to talk with them?

42. Would you rather be hugged from behind or hugged from in front?

43. Would you rather write a poem to your partner or have them write you a poem?

44. Would you rather blow your partner a kiss in public or wink at them in public?

45. Would you rather receive a handwritten love letter or a romantic voice message?

46. Would you rather get a cute text message or a bunch of wild flowers?

47. Would you rather date someone who always looks nice or someone who always smells good?

48. Would you rather have coffee made every morning or cocktail put together on a Friday night?

49. Would you rather stay at a fancy hotel for a weekend getaway or a bed and breakfast?

50. Would you rather date someone who wants to check out new coffee shops or check out new bars?

51. Would you rather get a hug or a kiss? 

52. Would you rather get matching pajamas or matching sweatshirts?

53. Would you rather get professional pictures done every Christmas or anniversary?

54. Would you rather live together in a rustic cabin or a penthouse suite in NYC?

You may also pair this up with some exciting dares for couples.

Would You Rather Questions for Husband/Boyfriend

55. Would you rather not be able to grow any facial hair or have no hair on the top of your head?

56. Would you rather choose sports on tv or weekend at a vineyard?

57. Would you rather go see a baseball game with your friends or play poker?

58. Would you rather have free first-class tickets to fly anywhere you like for the rest of your life or free unlimited meals at any restaurant for the rest of your life?

59. Would you rather have your partner cook or your mom?

60. Would you rather stay in for date night or go out?

61. Would you rather drink at a bar all night or go to a comedy club?

62. Would you rather win an argument or stay quiet to avoid an argument??

63. Would you rather always impulse buy something while at the store or always forget to buy something?

64. Would you rather see into the future or talk to animals?

65. Would you rather be stranded on an island or lost on a mountain?

66. Would you rather have mutual friends with your partner or a totally different circle of friends?

67. Would you rather make your partner a gift or buy them a typical romantic gesture?

You can also check out our list of married couple questions.

Would You Rather Questions for Wife/Girlfriend

68. Would you rather save money for a dream vacation or save money for your dream home?

69. Would you rather have never-ending laundry or dishes?

70. Would you rather have your partner work a dangerous job with great pay and great hours or a regular job with long hours and low pay?

71. Would you rather relax in a hot tub together or go for a swim?

72. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t like confrontation or someone who doesn’t like to be affectionate?

73. Would you rather have your partner take you to a fancy restaurant or cook you a home-cooked meal?

74. Would you rather dislike a friend’s partner or dislike a sibling’s partner?

75. Would you rather live next door to your in-laws and see them every day or only see them on holidays?

76. Would you rather get a makeover or new jewelry?

78. Would you rather your partner was a good dancer or a good singer?

79. Would you rather have perfect nails or perfect eyebrows?

80. Would you rather always have something to do or never have anything to do?

81. Would you rather be invited to lame parties every weekend or a big fabulous party once a year?

82. Would you rather make people nervous or make people feel comfortable around you?

83. Would you rather be really good-looking or really funny?

84. Would you rather drive or be driven?

85. Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else? 

In a long-distance relationship? Pair this game with our fun truth or dare questions over text for couples.

Relationship Would You Rather Questions for Couples

86. Would you rather play a board game on a Friday night or watch a movie?

87. Would you rather be on the same page for your five-year plan or have individual five-year plans?

88. Would you rather have a few kids or only one?

89. Would you rather have kids or get a dog?

90. Would you rather your partner be messy or a clean freak?

91. Would you rather go on vacation somewhere popular or somewhere more remote?

92. Would you rather take care of your partner when they are injured or have them take care of you with an injury?

93. Would you rather ask someone to help you out with problems or figure it out on your own?

94.  Would you rather have a small wedding or a big elaborate wedding?

95. Would you rather never see your partner cry or never see them angry?

96. Would you rather ask a friend for relationship advice or your parents?

97. Would you rather see into the future or fix something in the past?

98. Would you rather die before your partner does or have your partner die first?

99. Would you rather live with your partner in a huge city or a small town?

100. Would you rather do your partner’s laundry or cook them a meal?

101. Would you rather be 25 minutes early for everything or a few minutes late for everything?

102. Would you rather know every secret your partner has or leave a few uncovered?

103. Would you rather have a public proposal or a private proposal?

104. Would you rather get married at a city hall or at a church?

105. Would you rather be with someone who is overprotective or permissive?

106. Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed when on a date?

Celebrating your anniversary soon? Then this list of would you rather quiz for couples will go perfectly well with our anniversary questions for couples.

Deep Would You Rather Questions for Couples

107. Would you rather be in a crappy relationship or stay single forever?

108.  Would you rather have kids or have nice things?

109. Would you rather go to prison for a few years for a crime you didn’t commit or get away with a horrible crime, and have to live with a guilty conscience?

110. Would you rather time travel 150 years into the future or 150 years into the past?

111. Would you rather know exactly what your life will be like in ten years, or take life as it comes and wait to find out?

112. Would you rather have privacy or security?

113. Would you rather experience failure or regret?

114. Would you rather have more time or more money?

115. Would you rather ask your partner about their problems or wait for them to tell you?

116. Would you rather have a deep and meaningful relationship or find a briefcase full of cash?

117. Would you rather know how you are going to die or when you are going to die?

118. Would you rather be able to hold in your jealousy or your anger?

119. Would you rather be a successful politician or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company?

120. Would you rather lose all your memories of the past or not be able to form new memories?

121. Would you rather your children look like you or your partner?

122. Would you rather be respected by your partner’s parents or by your co-workers?

123. Would you rather be attractive and not very smart or not very good-looking but very smart?

124. Would you rather be famous or wealthy?

125. Would you rather be with someone who is overconfident or insecure?

126. Would you rather be with someone who has no manners or is overly polite? 

You may also like our list of who is most likely to for couples.

Or try our seasonal winter would you rather questions, would you rather Christmas editionfall would you rather questions, and Halloween would you rather questions.

Final Thoughts

We hope you find our list of fun and interactive questions for would you rather couples edition enjoyable.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments.

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