25 Smack-tacular WWE Trivia Quiz Questions & Answers
Get ready to rumble with our fun WWE Trivia Quiz!
WWE, short for World Wrestling Entertainment, has been broadcasting its shows in over 180 countries and has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its perfect blend of athleticism, drama, and storytelling.
And now, it’s time to put your WWE knowledge to the ultimate test!
Our wrestling quiz will challenge your expertise on everything from its iconic moments and championship reigns to the famous wrestlers who graced the ring and their entrance songs
In this sports quiz, there are five rounds, each with five questions, for a total of 25 points.
You’ll find the answers to our WWE quiz at the bottom of this guide plus some fun WWE trivia in between- feel free to use it to build your own and share with your friends!
To make it easier for you, we included instructions on how to play this pro wrestling trivia game.
For other sports quizzes, check out our NBA Trivia Quiz, Golf Trivia Quiz, NFL Trivia Quiz, NHL Trivia Quiz, and MLB Trivia Quiz.
Free WWE Trivia Quiz Questions
WWE General Knowledge Questions Round
Strap on your championship belts and get ready to go toe-to-toe with a barrage of questions that will separate the superfan from the casual observer.
In this round of our WWE quiz game, we’ll test your knowledge starting from the basics and general facts about the sport.
1. Which of the following is not a WWE special event?
Royal RumbleBacklashRing of ChampionsSummerslam
2. Who is the founder of WWE?
Shane McMahonVince McMahonEric BischoffKenny Omega
3. Which type of WWE match traps the contestants in a large metal cage and is no holds barred?
Royal RumbleFatal Four WayHell in a CellTriple Threat
4. Which of the following is not a major title in the WWE?
World HeavyweightIntercontinentalTag TeamWorld Television
5. Which major WWE event takes place every year between Mid-March and April?
BacklashSummerslamWrestlemaniaRoyal Rumble Ready for the second round of our pro wrestling quiz? From classic rivalries that shook the ring to milestone events that shaped sports entertainment, the following questions will take you on a whirlwind journey through the iconic moments in WWE history. WWE History Quiz Questions Round
WWE History Quiz Questions Round
Ready for the second round of our pro wrestling quiz?
From classic rivalries that shook the ring to milestone events that shaped sports entertainment, the following questions will take you on a whirlwind journey through the iconic moments in WWE history.
2. Who was the first wrestler to win the Divas Championship during its debut in 2008?
Trish StratusMickie JamesLitaMichelle McCool
3. How many Royal Rumbles has Stone Cold Steve Austin won?
4. In what year did the WWF become the WWE?
5. Which era of the WWE lasted from 1997 to 2001?
The Ruthless Aggression EraThe Golden EraThe Attitude EraThe New Generation Era Think you know your favorite WWE superstars inside and out? From the trailblazing icons to the up-and-coming legends, get ready to tag-team with your trivia skills and prove you’re the ultimate wrestling expert in the following WWE superstar quiz questions.WWE Wrestlers Quiz Questions Round
WWE Wrestlers Quiz Questions Round
Think you know your favorite WWE superstars inside and out?
From the trailblazing icons to the up-and-coming legends, get ready to tag-team with your trivia skills and prove you’re the ultimate wrestling expert in the following WWE superstar quiz questions.
1. Which WWE wrestler has won the most titles in his career?
John CenaRoman ReignsRic FlairEdge
2. Which of the following wrestlers were not part of The Shield Faction?
Dean AmbroseTriple HRoman ReignsSeth Rollins
3. In what year did The Undertaker debut in the WWE?
4. Which WWE wrestler has a background in Luchador Wrestling and is well known for his elaborate and colorful masks?
Eddie GuerreroChavo GuerreroKaneRey Mysterio
5. Which wrestler is well known for his finishing move, The People’s Elbow?
Hulk HoganThe RockJohn CenaShawn Michaels It’s time to pay tribute to the legends who have left an indelible mark on WWE. See if you know these icons in the fourth round of our WrestleMania quiz.WWE Hall of Fame Quiz Questions Round
WWE Hall of Fame Quiz Questions Round
It’s time to pay tribute to the legends who have left an indelible mark on WWE.
See if you know these icons in the fourth round of our WrestleMania quiz.
1. Who was the first wrestler to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1993?
Hulk HoganJimmy SnukaLou AlbanoAndre the Giant
2. Who was the first female wrestler to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?
LitaMoolahTrish StratusSunny
3. In what year was Hulk Hogan inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for the first time?
4. Which celebrity is not in the WWE Hall of Fame?
Snoop DoggWilliam ShatnerBarack ObamaDonald Trump
5. Which of the following superstars has not been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame more than once?
Booker TScott HallRic FlairThe Rock Get ready to rock out like a true WWE superstar! In the last round of our WWF quiz, you will choose the wrestler based on a lyric from their entrance music.WWE Entrance Song Lyrics Questions Round
WWE Entrance Song Lyrics Questions Round
Get ready to rock out like a true WWE superstar!
In the last round of our WWF quiz, you will choose the wrestler based on a lyric from their entrance music.
1. “On this day I see clearly everything has come to life”
Triple HBatistaRey MysterioEdge
2. “They broke the mould when they made me”
Randy OrtonShawn MichaelsDolph ZigglerThe Rock
3. “It’s all about the game and how you play it. All about control and if you can take it.”
Triple HRoman ReignsThe MizSeth Rollins
4. “Booyaka, Booyaka …619, 619 …Booyaka, Booyaka …That’s my pueblo, that’s my pueblo ..”
Eddie GuerreroRey MysterioThe MizCarlito
5. Which WWE superstar performed his own entrance music?
John CenaStone Cold Steve AustinRey MysterioHulk Hogan Like music? Check our 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s music trivia quizzes. How did you do? Check the NBA trivia game answers below and share with your friends! Highlighted in bold are answers to our WWE Trivia quiz along with some fun trivia in between.WWE Trivia Quiz Answers
WWE General Knowledge Answers
WWE Trivia Quiz Answers
Highlighted in bold are answers to our WWE Trivia quiz along with some fun trivia in between.
WWE General Knowledge Answers
1. Which of the following is not a WWE special event?
Royal RumbleBacklashRing of ChampionsSummerslam
2. Who is the founder of WWE?
Shane McMahonVince McMahonEric BischoffKenny Omega
3. Which type of WWE match traps the contestants in a large metal cage and is no holds barred?
Royal RumbleFatal Four WayHell in a CellTriple Threat WWE Trivia: The Undertaker has appeared in 14 Hell in a Cell matches, winning 8 of them. Brock Lesnar is undefeated in Hell in a Cell Matches with a record of 2-0.
4. Which of the following is not a major title in the WWE?
World HeavyweightIntercontinentalTag TeamWorld Television WWE Trivia: The World Television Title is awarded in the NWA Wrestling promotion.
5. Which major WWE Event takes place every year between Mid-March and April?
BacklashSummerslamWrestlemaniaRoyal RumbleWWE History Quiz Answers
WWE History Quiz Answers
2. Who was the first wrestler to win the Divas Championship during its debut in 2008?
Trish StratusMickie JamesLitaMichelle McCool
3. How many Royal Rumbles has Stone Cold Steve Austin won?
1234 WWE Trivia: Stone Cold Steve Austin holds the record for the number of Royal Rumble Victories.
4. In what year did the WWF become the WWE?
5. Which era of the WWE lasted from 1997 to 2001?
The Ruthless Aggression EraThe Golden EraThe Attitude EraThe New Generation Era WWE Trivia: The Attitude Era featured The Rock, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley, and Kane as prominent characters.WWE Wrestlers Quiz Answers
WWE Wrestlers Quiz Answers
1. Which WWE wrestler has won the most titles in his career?
John CenaRoman ReignsRic FlairEdge WWE Trivia: Edge has held a major WWE title 31 separate times.
2. Which of the following wrestlers were not part of The Shield Faction?
Dean AmbroseTriple HRoman ReignsSeth Rollins WWE Trivia: The Shield disbanded when Seth Rollins betrayed the faction in 2014.
3. In what year did The Undertaker debut in the WWE?
1980199519902000 WWE Trivia: While The Undertaker debuted in 1987 in WCCW Wrestling, he did not join the WWE until 3 years later.
4. Which WWE wrestler has a background in Luchador Wrestling and is well known for his elaborate and colorful masks?
Eddie GuerreroChavo GuerreroKaneRey Mysterio
5. Which wrestler is well known for his finishing move, The People’s Elbow?
Hulk HoganThe RockJohn CenaShawn MichaelsWWE Hall of Fame Quiz Answers
WWE Hall of Fame Quiz Answers
1. Who was the first wrestler to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1993?
Hulk HoganJimmy SnukaLou AlbanoAndre the Giant WWE Trivia: Andre the Giant was the only entry in the class of 1993. He earned the honor after his death in January of 1993.
2. Who was the first female wrestler to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?
LitaMoolahTrish StratusSunny WWE Trivia: Out of over 100 inductees, there are only 6 women in the WWE Hall of Fame.
3. In what year was Hulk Hogan inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for the first time?
1999200520002010 WWE Trivia: Hulk Hogan was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame twice. Once in 2005 and once in 2019.
4. Which celebrity is not in the WWE Hall of Fame?
Snoop DoggWilliam ShatnerBarack ObamaDonald Trump
5. Which of the following superstars has not been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame more than once?
Booker TScott HallRic FlairThe Rock In this section, you will choose the wrestler based on a lyric from their entrance music.WWE Entrance Song Lyrics Answers
WWE Entrance Song Lyrics Answers
In this section, you will choose the wrestler based on a lyric from their entrance music.
1. “On this day I see clearly everything has come to life”
Triple HBatistaRey MysterioEdge
2. “They broke the mould when they made me”
Randy OrtonShawn MichaelsDolph ZigglerThe Rock
3. “It’s all about the game and how you play it. All about control and if you can take it.”
Triple HRoman ReignsThe MizSeth Rollins
4. “Booyaka, Booyaka …619, 619 …Booyaka, Booyaka …That’s my pueblo, that’s my pueblo ..”
Eddie GuerreroRey MysterioThe MizCarlito
5. Which WWE superstar performed his own entrance music?
John CenaStone Cold Steve AustinRey MysterioHulk Hogan WWE Trivia: Both of the songs used as John Cena’s entrance music were written and performed by John Cena himself. Try next: Our 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s music trivia quizzes. Thanks for taking our WWE trivia quiz. You may like our other quizzes. Is there a themed quiz you’d like us to make? Tell us in the comments or contact us. Please feel free to use our quiz questions and answers to test your trivia knowledge! There are several ways to play this quiz, such as reading through the questions and writing down your answers in notes on your phone or on paper. You can then check your answers, which are in bold in the answers section. Hosting a quiz? We love playing quizmaster! Why not add this quiz to your own, borrow some rounds or even a few questions? Our Sports Games
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How To Use This Quiz
Please feel free to use our quiz questions and answers to test your trivia knowledge!
There are several ways to play this quiz, such as reading through the questions and writing down your answers in notes on your phone or on paper.
You can then check your answers, which are in bold in the answers section.
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